I’ve made a great award.

Namely Steno Diabetes Center’s employee award. “The Golden Apple”

The first in Steno’s 91-year history!

The process of getting there was extremely exciting. I was on fire when they contacted me. The timing was brutal. The deadline was short and I was in the middle of 4 exhibitions and Art in Churches.

Steno originally intended the apple to be the prize itself. After 3 meetings and thorough research, I presented my ideas. I thought it was important that a human being should also be included. And they were totally on board with the idea.

We ended up on this float called “The Golden Apple” based on the fact that the apple is an important core of Steno’s history and foundation. The apple symbolizes health.
H.C. Hagedorn, the founder, also had a great love for apples and 90 years ago planted several apple orchards around Steno in Gentofte.

On a personal level.
Does this award mean something special. So many times, my mother-in-law has happily told me about Steno. That she always looked forward to these check-ups. Because there she was listened to and seen as a person and not a patient. Through caring counseling, she found the confidence to live with her diabetes. I’m pretty excited about that.

That’s why I just had to make this award.

Bronzeskulptur "Det gylne Æble"
Charlotte Tønder med sin bronze skulptur

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