60 x 60 cm



HOPE – painting by Charlotte Tønder

HOPE is a colorful and abstract painting by artist Charlotte Tønder . Available in Galleri Charlotte Tønder – price 5.550 DKK. More colorful paintings for sale and great selection in the gallery.

My passion and mission are colors, compositions and the desire to create a special story on canvas. Explore my webshop or see the paintings in my Gallery Charlotte Tønder in Copenhagenby the Lakes and Botanical Gardens.


The constant in my life is art! For the past 25 years, my passion and focal point has been art. I’m inspired by everything I meet and experience on my way. That’s why my images are often very different, because my mindset is crucial to how the final image turns out.

My clients are often surprised by how diverse my subjects can be, but I can’t imagine being limited to just one genre or form. I definitely see it as a strength in my creativity that I can move from the very abstract to the more figurative and use the whole color palette.

My images only take shape when I sit at the canvas. It’s typical of my work process that I have a basic idea – a “basic motif” – that I work from. Next, I erase the “basic motif”. The blurred motif leaves a random mark that I explore until I find my way into the subject.

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